taxi livery

Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) insurance is a specialized type of coverage for businesses that provide transportation services to patients for medical appointments. This insurance is designed for vehicles used specifically for scheduled, non-urgent medical transpor

Differences from Other Livery Services

NEMT services operate differently from traditional taxi or rideshare services. Typically, NEMT providers are reimbursed by Medicaid or healthcare providers rather than by individual passengers. Additionally, NEMT vehicles do not have the emergency lights or sirens found on ambulances. Common vehicle types used for NEMT include minivans, passenger vans, and


Insurance Requirements for NEMT

When securing NEMT insurance, providers should be aware of specific requirements and rating factors, including:
  • Vehicle Age and Capacity: Many insurers impose restrictions on older vehicles and those with more than a set number of seats.
  • Driver Age: The age of your drivers can impact your eligibility for coverage.
  • Vehicle Features: Vehicles equipped with emergency lights, sirens, or life support equipment, such as oxygen tanks, are generally not permitted.
  • Safety Equipment and Protocols: Insurers may have specific guidelines regarding safety features and procedures for wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

Additionally, check the coverage requirements outlined in your contracts with municipalities and private facilities.

Cost of NEMT Insurance

The cost of NEMT insurance varies based on several factors, including:
  • Your geographical location and travel area
  • Driving history
  • The value of your vehicle, including any additional equipment
  • The vehicle’s age and type
  • Claims history
  • Specific coverage needs
It’s crucial to strike a balance between affordability and comprehensive coverage. Ensure your NEMT insurance policy meets your budget while providing the necessary protection.
NEMT Insurance
It’s crucial to strike a balance between affordability and comprehensive coverage. Ensure your NEMT insurance policy meets your budget while providing the necessary protection.
Protect your NEMT vehicles with the leading commercial auto insurer in the U.S.* (See Disclosure). We offer NEMT insurance in select states and a variety of discounts† (See Disclosure) to help you save. Here are some ways you could reduce your premium:

Get a Quote for NEMT Auto Insurance

  • Years in Business: Established businesses (three years or more) may qualify for premium discounts.
  • Prior Livery Experience: Previous experience in transporting individuals can make you eligible for savings.
  • Existing Insurance Policies: Inform us if you hold an active Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) or general liability insurance.

Full Policy Payment:

Customers who pay their policy in full may save 15% or more‡ (See Disclosure) on their premium.
